Educate, Treat, Support, and Empower those challenged by ADHD
For adults with ADHD, understanding a diagnosis of ADHD allows them to understand the reasons for their functional and emotional tendencies --often helping them to deal with daily challenges more effectively.
ADHD has a strong emotional component that becomes more important with time. Symptoms of hyperactivity in children, such as climbing or running excessively, may appear in young adults as a feeling of restlessness. Additionally, ADHD can have a dramatic effect on emotional regulation in teens that may result in increased situational frustration, disinterest, insecurities, irritability, and anger.
ADHD is frequently a lifelong condition yet symptoms may be very different and more noticeable in children than teens and adults. These differences may dramatically affect the recognition of the child's strengths and limit their sense of well being and pursuit of accomplishments, and relationships.
ADHD begins in childhood typically by the teenage years, and two-thirds of youth with ADHD will continue to experience ADHD-related difficulties in their adolescent and adult lives. In children and adults alike, ADHD is commonly accompanied by other conditions such as anxiety, depression, substance use disorder, sleep problems, and a number of other diagnoses. The ongoing presence of these diagnoses may or may not have led to the consideration of underlying ADHD -- which can be a significant contributor to patient complaints. There are 18 well-recognized symptoms of ADHD, the count of which can help determine if a person may be struggling with one of the three basic types of ADHD – hyperactive, inattentive, or combined.
The most effective treatment for ADHD today is ADHD medication, from which there is a variety to choose – both stimulants and non-stimulants. While exercise, other psychological approaches and alternative modalities can have positive effects on ADHD symptoms, ADHD medications have been shown by research to have the most predictable and largest effect size in reducing symptoms of ADHD.
Due to century-old assumptions about the disorder disappearing after childhood, many teens, adolescents, and adults continue to experience daily functional and emotional difficulties that may be related to untreated, underlying ADHD. We understand the breadth and types of challenges that those with ADHD face -- and what can be done about it to safely and effectively enhance
ADHD Affects All Ages
(more than just a childhood disorder)
ADHD is a brain based disorder
(it is not a lack of willpower)
ADHD is Largely Genetic
(Est. 76% heritability)
Adult US population
living with ADHD
Adults with ADHD affected by
another emotional condition
Adults with ADHD who
are untreated